Monday, January 24, 2011
suami dan isteri..story
mereka merupakan pasangan muda yg baru melangsungkan perkahwinan dan telah melalui saat indah 'malam pertama'
pada keesokan harinya si suami berkata:
suami;wahai isteriku aku merasakan diriku jahil dalam agama,oleh itu aku mengambil keputusan utk menuntut ilmu..bagaimanakah pendapatmu?
isteri;wahai suami yg ku sayangi..aku menuruti sahaja apa yg kau putuskan,sekiranya itu boleh mengembirakan engkau, maka pergilah..aku disini akan setia menunggu mu.
selesai perbualan itu ,tanpa berlengah lagi, pergilah si suami ini berjalan mengembara untuk mencari ilmu..setelah lapan tahun lamanya menuntut ilmu,perasaan rindu terhadap isteri yg ditiggalkan mula dirasai,wajah bersihnya terbayang-bayang di mata tak dapat nak di tepis lagi.
lalu si suami merasakan sudah tiba masanya untuk dia pulang menemui isteri tercinta..
si suami mengumpul semua kitab-kitab yg dipelajarinya lalu diletakkan di dalam guni utk dipikulnya pulang ke rumah.
setelah separuh perjalanan utk sampai ke rumah,si suami ini bertemu dengan seorang tua,orang tua ini bertanya kepadanya;
orang tua;siapa kamu dan dari mana untuk ke mana?
suami:aku suami dalam perjalanan pulang dari menuntut ilmu untuk menemui isteriku.
orang tua;aku ingin beranyakan satu soalan,sekiranya engkau dpt menjawab maka pergilah engkau menemui isteri mu.
suami;insya'allah..aku akan cuba menjawabnya..sekiranya tidak dapat,aku tangguhkan dulu pada masa akan datang sehingga kita bertemu lagi,kalau boleh tau apakah soalannye?
orang tua;apakah ibu kepada ilmu?
si suami termenung,berfikir sejenak masih juga tidak mendapat jawapan,lalu dibuka semua kitab-kitab yang dipikul,namun masih juga tidak ketemu...dia berkata kepada orang tua,selama saya belajar,tidak pernah ada mengenai perkara ini,semua kitab-kitab yang saya pikul juga tidak menceritakan bab ini..sehingga aku merasakan diriku masih lagi jahil,lalu dia berpatah balik berjalan untuk menambah ilmu,sehigga lupa akan niatnya untuk menemui isterinya.
setelah hampir lima tahun menuntut ilmu,dia sekali lagi ingin pulang menemui isterinya,dalam perjalan dia bertemu dengan orang tua,lalu berkata;
orang tua;sudahkah kamu mempunyai jawapan kepada soalan ku dahulu.
suami;apa soalannya
orang tua;apakah ibu kepada ilmu.
si suami termenung lagi,mencari-cari jawapannya masih juga tidak mendapat jawapan,lalu dibuka semua kitab-kitab yang dipikul hampir dua guni itu,namun masih juga tidak ketemu...dia berkata kepada orang tua,selama saya belajar,tidak pernah ada mengenai perkara ini,semua kitab-kitab yang saya pikul juga tidak menceritakan bab ini..sehingga aku merasakan diriku masih lagi jahil.
orang tua;tak apalah sekiranya kamu tidak tau jawapannya,hulurkan tanganmu
orang tua itu menulis sesuatu di atas tapak tangan suami lalu menyuruhnya menggenggam dan berpesan..jangan kamu lihat apa yang ku tulis sehigga bertemu isterimu.
lalu berjalanlah si suami untuk menemui isteri yang dicintai....
setelah sampai menghampiri rumahnya,dia terdengar suara isterinya yang sedang bergurau senda degan seorang lelaki..
hatinya mula merasa panas,menyangka isterinya berlaku curang terhadapnya,lalu dia terus masuk dengan niat untuk memukul isterinya..
sedang dia mengangkat tangan untuk melepaskan kemarahannya..dia teringat akan pesanan orang tua..lalu membuka genggamannya...dengan serta merta kemarahannya mula reda..
si isteri yang sedar akan kepulangan suaminya,lalu datang menyambutnya dengan senyuman....lalu memperkenalkan lelaki yang berada ditepinya...inilah anak kita,hasil perkongsian malam pertama dulu..
dia lalu beristighfar..
WANITA: Siapa yang paling kamu cintai di dunia ini?
LELAKI: Kamu!!!
WANITA: Menurut kamu, saya ini siapa?
LELAKI: (Berfikir sejenak, lalu menatap WANITA dengan pasti) Kamu, tulang rusukku.
Kerana Allah melihat bahawa Adam kesepian. Saat Adam sedang lena tidur, Allah mengambil rusuk Adam dan menciptakan Hawa. Semua LELAKI mencari tulang rusuknya yang hilang dan saat menemukan wanita untuknya, tidak lagi merasakan sakit di hatinya...
LELAKI: Kamu!!!
WANITA: Menurut kamu, saya ini siapa?
LELAKI: (Berfikir sejenak, lalu menatap WANITA dengan pasti) Kamu, tulang rusukku.
Kerana Allah melihat bahawa Adam kesepian. Saat Adam sedang lena tidur, Allah mengambil rusuk Adam dan menciptakan Hawa. Semua LELAKI mencari tulang rusuknya yang hilang dan saat menemukan wanita untuknya, tidak lagi merasakan sakit di hatinya...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
fenomena masyarakat
Yang lelaki
Apabila orang tua nak mati lambat
tak dapat minum madu telan je jelly gamat
budak muda pakai seluar ketat-ketat, semua nak tunjuk kuat
ada pulak yang gila judi,bila berjudi percaya pulak unsur khurafat
tapi bila kalah judi akhirnya hidup dia pulak yang melarat
bila kalah judi tali kasut pon tak berikat
rambut pon jarang bersikat
Yang perempuan
pakai mini sekerat
suka pakai baju ketat
suka pulak menunjukkan pusat
hinggakan tak peduli lagi batasan aurat
pakai pulak yang sendat-sendat
kadang-kadang sampai nampak yang tersirat
kalau dah macam ni siapa lihat pasti tercegat
bila dah tercegat silap gaya jadi gawat
bila dah jadi gawat bohsia bohjan lagi dasyat
duduk jauh berkirim surat
bila berjumpa tangan berjabat
kemudian pakat lawan peluk erat-erat
masa tu nafas naik tersekat-sekat
usah dipeduli lg agama dan adat
usah ditakuti Allah dan Malaikat
yang penting apa kita nak buat kita buat!
akhirnya bila dah buat perut kempis jadi bulat
maka tuggulah lahirnya anak-anak yang tak cukup sifat
bila melihat anak-anak yang tak cukup sifat
malunya dia tak dapat disekat maka dibuang di merata tempat
pada waktu itu iblis mula melompat-lompat
'dia kata habis manusia dah masuk jerat,habis manusia dah tersesat'
Inilah dia fenomena masyarakat
oleh itu marilah saudara saudari dan sahabat kita ingat mengingat
bahawa dunia hari ini semakin singkat
esok atau lusa kita mungkin menghadapi hari kiamat
bila sampai masa kita semua akan berangkat
berangkat menuju ke negara akhirat
di sana kita akan ditanya apa yang kita buat
masa itu sendiri mau ingat
umur mu banyak mana, untuk kau buat ibadat
zaman muda mu apa yang telah kau buat
harta benda mu dari mana kau dapat
ilmu mu adakah ia bermanafaat
semoga ianya dapat mengingatkan kita meninggalkan maksiat dan meningkatkan amal ibadat
pantun:ustaz akil hay
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I Never Left You
I Never Left You...
You never complained when you knew we would have nothing. You were contempt on having what little you needed.
Where others would have left or moaned you never once let out a sigh. You understood what was written was what we would eat.
I never once complained about what was put in front of me as I knew it was your hands that brought it to me.
When I had nothing I had you. We smiled as we saw the destruction around us knowing that these people were not true.
You never felt sympathy towards the enemy. You put your trust in your Rubb and in turn you followed me. Never did I have to wonder about you as my secrets my honour and my Deen were safe with you.
When the enemy barked you never flinched. You were strong and in turn made me strong.
We both know what hardships you faced just being with me but not a word did you speak.
Like a vanguard for this Ummah you concealed yourself. Where others would rush to please their desires you were the essences of Taqwa.
Life was easy with you and it came so naturally. You were the extension of me and I would never need to finish my words as who knew me better then you....
It's the little things that make the person and you would have easily have kept me going for a lifetime.
I loved your jealousy. I loved to tease you with the thought of others just so I could know how dear I was to you. The way you would look at me with fire in your eyes showed me that I was the only one for you. You stole my heart and hide it away. You know your place it's by my side. What chance did shaytan have when you would ensure that fajr was the easiest of the salahs. I loved that you would forsake me in an instant to fast a voluntary fast. I loved that the Haq was dearer to you then my life and those of our jewels
Watching you makes me laugh as I wonder if my heart will ever want another as I watch you feed my child, as you lift her out of the bath, as you wipe her little nose and the face she pulls. You will never find a diamond in the hands of the poor in the same way our diamond deserves to be carried in your hands. We could have it all my love but who sells Paradise for an hour of passing pleasure? Not us.
I chose you Umm Muthana as I know our fruits are safe with you. Never will I have to worry about if they pray or offer supplication. Never would I have to worry about where the loyalties of my babies are. They will love what we love they will love Allah Most Glorified Most High, they will Love the Prophets and the best of Companions, They will love those who they have never met but will long to meet. They will love those better then us. They will live to honour one statement. Others will fall under the weight of La illiha illiha but not them. Their hearts will beat it, their words testify to it and their hands carry it.
Dont think I left you. Dont think that in this world anything is dearer to me then the minute that I walk home knowing what waits for me behind closed doors. I went to find a better place for us. I went to fulfil the best of deals. I saw it written that if you give your life then eternity will be ours. I saw it written somewhere that this was all a test and I have no doubt that one who promises us and whose word is truth must love me very much as he gave me you and you were the hardest thing to give up. They say the mind cannot comprehend what awaits us. They say that sadness will forgotten, they say that the eye has yet to see and the ear has yet to hear the beauties that await us in our new home. They say rivers of honey my love they say rivers of milk they say rivers of wine. They say pearls and Gold thrones , they say musk and cool breezes. Is it not fitting that I go to see this land afar to take you and our children? I fear that the gates of opportunity will close behind me my love. I fear others will hear what I hear and rush there and I will have nothing to offer you.
I know you will send our sons to look for their father. Tell them that they will find me in every battle, in every fight where the black flag is flown.
Tell them that the pain will be a pinch and then they will see what I see. Tell them Green Birds wish to meet them. Tell the Angels will call them by the best of names and most of all that Allah The One The Eternal will be pleased with them.
I told you once that only 2 things will have me. You and death. My life was with you but now I must marry again. I must marry what was promised to me the moment I was born. I must marry my fate and in turn I must marry death. After death will come reckoning and if I stand with the best of creation I will with the permission of Allah Lord of the Heavens and the Earth I will beg for you. None was worthy to stand next to me in this life so why is it I should desire another in the next?
Sunday, January 2, 2011
One Apple Leads To His Marriage. A Beautiful Story!
One Apple Leads To His Marriage. A Beautiful Story!
One of our pious predecessors, Thabit Bin Nu’man, was hungry and tired as he was passing through a garden that bordered a river. He was so hungry that he could hear his stomach growling, and so his eyes became fixed on the fruits he saw on the various trees of the garden. In a fit of desperation, he forgot himself and extended his hand to an apple that was within reach. He ate half of it and then drank water from the river. But then he became overcome with guilt, despite the fact that he had only eaten because of dire need.
He said to himself, “Woe unto me! How can I eat someone else’s fruits without his permission? I make it binding upon myself not to leave this place until I find the owner of this garden and ask him to forgive me for having eaten one of his apples.“
After a brief search, he found the owner’s house. He knocked on the door and the owner of the garden came out and asked him what he wanted.
Thabit Bin Nu’man said, “I entered your garden that borders the river, and I took this apple and ate half of it. Then I remembered it does not belong to me, and so I ask you now to excuse me for having eaten it and to forgive me for my mistake.“
The man said, “On one condition only I will forgive you for your mistake.“
Thabit Bin Nu’man asked, “And what is that condition?“
He said, “That you marry my daughter.“
Thabit Bin Nu’man said, “I will marry her.“
The man said, “But heed you this; indeed my daughter is blind, she does not see; mute, she does not speak;deaf, she does not hear.“
Thabit Bin Nu’man began to ponder over his situation; a difficult predicament indeed did he find himself in now; what should he do? Not get out of it, thought Thabit, for he realised that to be tested by such a woman, to take care of her, and to serve her, are all better than to eat from the foul matter of the Hellfire as a reward for the apple that he ate. And after all, the days of this world are limited.
And so he accepted the condition to mary the girl, seeking his reward from Allaah, Lord of all that exists. He was nonetheless somewhat anxious in the days prior to the marriage.
He thought, “How can I have sexual relations with a woman who neither speaks nor sees nor hears?“
So miserable did he become that he almost wished for the earth to swallow him up before the appointed date.
Yet despite such apprehensions, he placed his complete trust upon Allaah and he said, “There is neither might nor power except with Allaah. Indeed to Allaah do we belong and indeed to Him shall we al return.“
On the day of the marriage he saw her for the first time. She stood up before him and said, “Peace, mercy and blessings of Allaah be upon you.“
When he saw her grace and beauty, he was reminded of what he would see when he would imagine the fair maidens of paradise (i.e., the gorgeous hoor al-ayn). After a brief pause he said, “What is this? She indeed speaks, hears and sees.” He then told her what her father said earlier.
She said, “My father has spoken the truth. He said I was mute because I do not speak any forbidden word, and I have never spoken to any man who is not lawful to me (i.e., she has never spoken to any ghair mahrams)! And I am indeed deaf in the sense that I have never sat in a gathering in which there is backbiting, slander, or false and vain speech! And I am indeed blind, in the sense that I have never looked upon a man who is not permissible for me!“
Noble reader, reflect on and learn a lesson from this story!
My brothers in Islaam, see how much he feared Allaah, and how much he had his trust in Allaah, and where this got him!
My sisters in Islaam, see how this woman kept herself chaste, pious, in her hijaab, so much so, she was considered mute (not speaking to any man), deaf (avoiding places of backbiting) and blind (not seeing any man). Allaahu Akbar, isn’t it these qualities that pious men love to see in their wives? Nay; aren’t these qualities all men (Muslim and non-Muslims) wish to see in their wives? Isn’t it these qualities that give men the crave and yearn to meet their hoor al-ayn in jannah?
The fruit of this marriage was the birth of a child who grew up to be known as Imaam Abu Haneefah.
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